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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aging in Place

Aging in Place is a very important topic. There will be 79 million Americans that will cross the threshold to retirement over the next twenty years, joining the millions of folks that are already retired.
There are Key risks that all retirees will face in the coming years:
1.Outliving their assets - with new retirees expected to live well into their 90's it may be difficult for retirement assets to support post retirement living.
2. Inadequate returns - traditional investments like CD's and bonds are not providing enough returns to support retirement. You will probably run out of money to offset inflation and taxes. Invest wisely!
3. Inflation - The rising cost of goods and services over the period of your retirement. You need to consider if inflation averages 3% over the 25 years you are retired, you will need twice as much money to maintain your current standard of living. For example it your standard of living is currently $75,000 in 2034 you will need $150,000.
4. Healthcare expenses. You could be using up to 35% of your after tax dollars to support your healthcare needs in 2030.
5. Taxes - Make sure you carefully manage your tax liabilities so that you pay as little as is legally possible to reduce the money your have to take out of your retirement funds.

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