How Reverse Mortgages Can Benefit Older Divorcing Women
Those of us in the business of helping people plan for secure financial futures have long known that grey divorce presents a unique set of challenges to our clients. Sure, there is overlap, but women divorcing after long marriages (or brief marriages that began later in their lives) typically face different financial concerns –and may have access to different financial products –than their younger counterparts.
For example, a recent article in The Wall Street Journal (written by Kelly Greene) explains how a loan called a “reverse mortgage” can be a useful financial tool for retirees. This type of loan is becoming increasingly popular because instead of making payments to a lender, the homeowner actually receives monthly payments, increasing the amount she owes. Or, she might opt to receive a lump sum, or maintain a ready line of credit.
The loan (and interest) come due when the homeowner dies, moves out, sells the home, or if property taxes or insurance premiums go unpaid. Typically, the home is sold to repay the loan.
As explained in the article, a reverse mortgage provides a mechanism for homeowners at least 62 years old to borrow against the equity in their home. While there’s no restriction on the purpose of the loan, the funds are commonly used to pay for home repairs or modifications, home health care or medical expenses. However, now that the financial services industry has developed new government-insured products, borrowing costs for reverse mortgages have come down, and these types of loans are becoming basic financial management tools, rather than just last-resort methods to increase cash flow.
So, what does all this mean for the divorcing woman?
Well, for those who are close to 62 years old, the possibility of taking a reverse mortgage loan could represent a new factor to consider when deciding whether or not to keep the house. There are many angles to that decision, including:
- equity and potential resale value on one side,
- maintenance and repair costs,
- property taxes,
- insurance premiums,
- and more!
For women whose divorces are behind them, a reverse mortgage might represent a new strategy for making their settlements last as long as possible. For example, using a reverse mortgage to provide cash income during retirement could save you from having to sell temporarily depressed investments. In the event of a drop in the market, payments from a reverse mortgage can be used to cover expenses until the value of your investments sufficiently rebounds.
The Wall Street Journal reports that taking a reverse mortgage can also have implications for your tax bill, and for configuring your potential Social Security income. You may be able to limit your income tax exposure by using cash flow from a reverse mortgage, rather than taxable withdrawals from a 401(k) or other retirement investment, to pay off a traditional mortgage or other debts. If you can delay taking Social Security by using a reverse mortgage as a source of income, you can increase the monthly payment you will eventually receive.
Used judiciously, a reverse mortgage can be a very useful part of the divorcing or divorced woman’s financial strategy, and as a Divorce Financial Strategist™ , I recommend you see how this financial tool might best serve you. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an excellent place to get more information before you look for a lender. If you decide to pursue such a loan, be especially wary of “advisors” who try to steer your reverse mortgage payments into expensive or risky investments. As always, it’s best to be well-informed, and well-advise.
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